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How to Search (Query) Repeating Tasks for Review in Todoist

When it comes to using any job manager, checking off tasks is of grade easy, simply typing and inputting tasks sometimes is a flake tedious. But recently I started using an IFTTT automation that creates no-due-engagement tasks in Todoist each time I complete tasks in a specified project. Go along reading and I'll explain what it is and how I use it.

How It Works

In Todoist, as with other chore managers, you tin create recurring tasks that testify upward in your Today list based on the recurring dates you lot set.

For example, I have several daily tasks for cleaning my mail inbox and writing in my periodical during National Journal Writing Calendar month. I have a few monthly tasks for sending out client invoices, and several yearly blog related tasks that must get done.

But so there are tasks that I regularly perform that I don't want to assign a due date to considering I don't always practice them every week, month, or twelvemonth on a particular solar day or engagement. However, I also don't want to type and input tasks I perform on a regular basis.

Then I apply a few Todoist related web applets in IFTTT (If So Then That) automates the chore creation and inputting for me. I telephone call these tasks No-Due-Date tasks.

No-Due-Date Tasks

Examples of my no-due-appointment tasks include:

  • Wash apparel
  • Wash and clean out the car
  • Take hold of up on RSS feeds in Feedly
  • Cook a pot of oatmeal in InstaPot
  • Read 3 or more chapters in a book

As much as I would like to schedule a particular day each week or every other calendar week for  these tasks, it only doesn't work out that manner. I've tried setting recurring dates for some of the above tasks and I ended up postponing the dates several times or removing the recurring dates all together.

In that location are some weekends when I won't exist able to wash my car or cook a pot of oatmeal, but I do want to schedule those tasks when I think they need to be washed. And well-nigh of all, I don't want to manually re-input those tasks when I demand to schedule them.

Trouble Solved

A few weeks ago, I discovered an article, "How to Create Tasks Without a Due Appointment," published back in 2016.  The article and site for some reason accept cleaved links and information technology doesn't illustrate very well how to gear up the IFTTT automation. Thus, I'thousand using my blog space to prove how to set up it up, because I think it'due south a powerfully useful automations for IFTTT and Todoist users.

Basically, the automation consist of using an IFTTT applet that creates a new job each time a specified task is completed. So for example, when I complete the scheduled chore, "Wash and make clean out car," IFTTT will recreate that job in a designated projection, and I tin can afterwards merely reschedule or just check off that chore when I plan to do it again.

Here's how to gear up the IFTTT applet for Todoist.

Step ane: Link your Todoist Account

If you don't already have an IFTTT business relationship, you'll need to register for one and link your IFTTT business relationship to your Todoist account. Note: this setup may require the premium version of Todoist, but the IFTTT fix is free.

Step 2: Create a No-Due-Date Project

In my Todoist list, I have a project (really it'southward an expanse of focus, not a project, just that'due south the label Todoist uses) titled Weekend Tasks, which is a sub-projection of my Domicile Project.

You lot don't have to keep your no-due-appointment tasks in a single folder, but I'thou going to explain why you should.

In my Weekend Tasks project, I then far have v tasks that I sometimes do on the weekend, but never every weekend, and sometimes I perform ane or two during the week. If I get around to completing one or more of those tasks, I only check them as a complete.

I might also prepare a due engagement for a Weekend Task to make sure it pops up in my Today list. (Notice the screenshot in a higher place, I've set a due for Wednesday instead of a weekend day.)

The well-nigh of import thing nigh this Weekend Tasks project is that anytime I click one or more of those tasks as consummate, the IFTTT automation volition recreate those completed tasks for me to use once again later.

And so create a no-due-date project and create job no-due-date tasks. Note, you tin can add and edit tasks in the project without it alien with the automation.

Add a New IFTTT Applet

In your IFTTT account, locate and click on the New Applet button, and and so click the blue "+this" words. Next, type "Todoist" in the search field.

Click on the "New completed job." And then select your projection from the drop-down menu. See the screenshot below.

Click the "Create trigger" button and so click on the blue "+that" letters, and type in "Todoist" in the search field.

Click on the "Create task" activity.

Pace 3: Configure the IFTTT Applet

Now you're ready to configure the applet.

In the "Create chore" office, check the "Which projection?" drop-down and select the no-due-appointment project you created. This means when the applet fires, it volition create a new task in that projection.

Next, remove the "Todoist tasks completed-" content because you lot want the applet to only recreate completed tasks without and not include the words "Todoist task completed."

For the rest of the configuration, leave the Due date blank, and if yous desire, add a priority level for the new tasks. Side by side, click the "Create action" button.

Pace 4: Test the IFTTT Applet

  1. Brand sure the applet is turned on.
  2. Now get back to your Todoist project and click one of your tasks in the project so it'southward marked every bit completed.
  3. Next, go back to the IFTTT applet and click the "Cheque now" button.
  4. Go dorsum to your Todoist and click on gear button on pinnacle right, and click on Sync. If everything is set up okay, a completed job should exist recreated in the project, set up to reschedule and reuse when y'all desire.

Of grade you don't take to click the "Cheque now" button each time to make it run, but sometimes, information technology may take several minutes to run in the groundwork.

Notation also that yous can edit the applet by clicking on the gear push on the summit-right.

You tin can edit your create applets at anytime. I created several IFTTT automation workflows which meant editing the configurations until I got what I wanted.

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More IFTTT-Todoist Ideas

Creating the IFTTT applet is a trivial deadening, merely later you create them, they can help reduce the demand to recreate tasks that you perform regularly. I wish Todoist had this type of automation baked into its software, but one the reasons I returned to Todoist is because of this type of spider web integration.

I'g withal creating no-due-appointment projects and tasks. As I was writing this commodity, I created a set of regularly performed computer tasks. Notice the tasks are written in the past-tense considering typically I perform such tasks while working at my reckoner.

Then basically I'yard giving myself Karma points for completing these tasks, and I also can review my Karma and run across where I'm spending near of my time during the week.

I'one thousand also developed a list of tasks for grocery items I that I buy mainly but for me. My wife does almost of the other grocery shopping.

These are grocery items that I don't buy every week, but when I'm at the store, I can review the list or bank check off the items I purchase, and the IFTTT automation will recreate the checked particular.

Here are some more dissimilar ideas for IFTTT applets with Todoist. If yous detect this article useful, let me know and I'll write nearly the other applets I'm using. Also, an article I wrote over yr agone nigh how I automate features in Todoist using Keyboard Maestro and BetterTouchTool. At some point I will update that article now that I'grand dorsum using Todoist.

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